cymmetrik made its big computex debut this year, and in addition to showcasing its wide range of product exterior printing services, it unveiled three major innovative solutions, further solidifying its status as the one stop shop for comprehensive customized
unique identification marking x mobile big data platform create brand new possibilities for personalized marketing
our unique id marking solution combines digital printing technology, the internet, and mobile big data platforms, together with colourful, next generation qr codes, available exclusively through our partnership with visualead. it helps brands derive meaning
from mass consumer data, improve user experience, and actualize deep interactions with end consumers, creating one-on-one marketing programs with zero distance, zero time lag.
brand protection solution x cutting edge printing technology satisfies every customization need
from understanding client needs and planning for customization, to production process, storage, logistics, and other safety issues, cymmetrik group's total protection solution combines patented security printing technology with stringent control of all
operation details to provide the most reliable, comprehensive service.
light-guide film solutions x our special colour printing technology create captivating product highlights
cymmetrik's light-guide film solutions feature added flexibility in colouring and material selection, as well as thinner light-guide plates and lower fixed costs. these greatly increase production efficiency, expedite time-to-market, and make for striking
product highlights for your customers.